Prof. George Bond taught in the Biology Department from 1973-2003.
A Diagnostice Character for Rapid Identification of Lightly Pigmented Species of the Genus Cyclothome (Gonostomatidae) in the North Atlantic
Bond, G. (1974, March). "A Diagnostice Character for Rapid Identification of Lightly Pigmented Species of the Genus Cyclothome (Gonostomatidae) in the North Atlantic." COPEIA 1: 272-275.
Gonostomatidae. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes
Bond, G.W. (1977). Gonostomatidae. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes: western Central Atlantic Fishing Area 31. FAO, Rome, Vol. II.
Chemistry is Fun: You Can Survive A Chemistry Course-Really! Ts.
" Triplet Positronium Annihiation Parameters In Ethanol-Pentene Mixtures Containing Platinum." Journal of Chemical Physics 78.1 (June 1983).
Dr. George Condike was professor of Chemistry from 1947-1982.
Scaling Student Test Scores Directly By Pocket Calculator.
Condike, G. (1984, Spring) "Scaling Student Test Scores Directly By Pocket Calculator." NEACT Journal 2(1):14-19.
Table De Inmersion-Un Metodo Para Determinar El Peso Molecular De Un Liquido Volatil
Condike, G. (1978, Feb.) "Table De Inmersion-Un Metodo Para Determinar El Peso Molecular De Un Liquido Volatil." Revista Chilena De Educacion Quimica 3(1):16-17.
Reaccion Estequiometrica en el Laboratorio.
Condike, G. (1978, June) "Reaccion Estequiometrica en el Laboratorio." Revista Chilena De Educacion Quimica 3(3):164-167.
Rendimiento Cercano al 100% Logran los Estudiantes con el Experimento: Ciclo de Reacciones del Cobre.
Condike, G. (1977, Oct.) "Rendimiento Cercano al 100% Logran los Estudiantes con el Experimento: Ciclo de Reacciones del Cobre." Revista Chilena De Educacion 5:293-294.
Condike, G. (1977, Sept.) "Superestados." Revista Chilena De Educacion Quimica 2(4): 221-222.
Individualization of Student Work Stations.
Condike, G. (1976, Aug.) "Individualization of Student Work Stations." American Chemical Society 42.
The Magic Protein
Condike, G. (1976, May-June) "The Magic Protein." NRTA Journal, pp. 15-16.
Synthesis and Analysis of a Tin Oxide
Condike, G. (1974, April) "Synthesis and Analysis of a Tin Oxide." Chemistry, pp. 27-28.
Quelatos con Lgandos Mixtos del Cu (II)
Condike, G. (1969, Feb.) "Quelatos con Lgandos Mixtos del Cu (II)." Actividades Generales y Resumenes 2:62.
Mixed Ligand Chelates of Copper (II).
Condike, G. (1969) "Mixed Ligand Chelates of Copper (II)." Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry 31:2455-2466.
Titulaciones complejometricas de metales pesados
Condike, G. (1967, Nov-Dec) "Titulaciones complejometricas de metales pesados." Revista Iberoamericana De Educacion Quimica 2(4):122-125.
Complexometric Titrations of Heavy Metals.
Condike, G. (1966) "Complexometric Titrations of Heavy Metals." Chemistry, pp. 28-32.
Donor-Acceptor Bonding IV Ammonia - Boron Triflouride.
Condike, G. (1948) "Donor-Acceptor Bonding IV Ammonia - Boron Triflouride." Journal of the American Chemical Society 70:2274-2276.
Further Observations on the Synthesis of Mandelie Acid Derivaties
Condike, G. "Further Observations on the Synthesis of Mandelie Acid Derivaties." Indiana Academy of Science-Chemistry 80.
"How problems can help." The American Biology Teacher. October, 1991. 53(7): 390-392
"Limits to Nuptial Gift Production by Male Fireflies, Photinus ignitus".Christopher Cratsley, Jennifer Rooney, and Sara Lewis. Journal of Insect Behavior, May 2003, 16:3. 361-370
"Mate recognition and choice in Photinusfireflies" Sara Lewis, Christopher Cratsley and Kristian Demary. Annales Zoologici Fenici December, 2004, 41: 809-821
"Flash Signal Evolution, Mate Choice, and Predation in Fireflies" Sara Lewis and Christopher Cratsley. Annual Review of Entomology, 2008. 53:16.1-29
A Bioactive Polyacetylene Compound Isolated from Centella asiatica
Govindan, G., T. G. Sambandan, M. Govindan, A. Sinskey, J. Vanessendelft, I. Adenan, C. K. Rha, (2007). A Bioactive Polyacetylene Compound Isolated from Centella asiatica, Planta Medica, 73: 597-599.
Book Review: Eucalyptus: the Genus Eucalyptus
Govindan, M. (2005) Book Review: Eucalyptus: the Genus Eucalyptus Edited by John J. W. Coppen (Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK). Taylor and Francis, London. 2002. xiii + 450 pp., Journal of Natural Products, 68(1) pp 151 - 152.
The Use Of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) In An Introductory Chemistry Course.
Govindan, M. (2007). The Use Of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) In An Introductory Chemistry Course. Paper presented at the Second Biennial First Year International Chemistry Conference, Boulder, CO, 2007.
Writing To Learn: Use of Calibrated Peer Review in Introductory Courses.
Govindan, M. (2005). Writing To Learn: Use of Calibrated Peer Review in Introductory Courses. Paper presented at the First Biennial First Year International Chemistry Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2005.
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) Collaboration Among Multiple Schools
Michael Garoutte, Christina Mewhinney, and Meledath Govindan. (2004). Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) Collaboration Among Multiple Schools, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education.
Goldenseal Root: Hydrastis Canadensis: Standards of Analysis, Quality Control and Therapeutics
Govindan, G. (co-author). Goldenseal Root: Hydrastis Canadensis: Standards of Analysis, Quality Control and Therapeutics. in American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium: Upton (Editor), 2001.
Analytical Methods for the Detection and Quantitation of Active Ingredients in Evening Primrose Oil.
Govindan, M. (2001). Analytical Methods for the Detection and Quantitation of Active Ingredients in Evening Primrose Oil. Paper presented at the Northeast Section Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 2001.
A Convenient Method for the Determination of Quality of Goldenseal
Govindan, M. and G. Govindan. (2000). A Convenient Method for the Determination of Quality of Goldenseal. Fitoterapia, 71:232-235.
Evening Primrose Oil - a Scientific Summary.
Govindan, M. and G. Govindan. (1999). Evening Primrose Oil - a Scientific Summary.
Analytical Methods for the Detection and Quantitation of Active Ingredients in Evening Primrose Oil.
Govindan, M. (1999). Analytical Methods for the Detection and Quantitation of Active Ingredients in Evening Primrose Oil. Paper presented at the Interim Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, Tunica, MS.
A Convenient Method for the Determination of Quality of Goldenseal Extracts.
Govindan, M. (1998) A Convenient Method for the Determination of Quality of Goldenseal Extracts. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, Orlando, FL.
The Use of Molecular Modeling In Conjunction with NMR for the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products Containing Medium Sized Rings.
Lennox, W. J., D. Kingston, M. Govindan, and L. Gunatilake. (1997). The Use of Molecular Modeling In Conjunction with NMR for the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products Containing Medium Sized Rings. Paper presented at the 48th Southeast Regional Meeting of the ACS, Roanoke, VA.
Further Chemical Investigations of the Caribbean Gorgonian Eunicea succinea.
Govindan, M., G. Govindan, W. Lennox, A. Gunatilaka, D. Kingston and B.Zhu. (1996). Further Chemical Investigations of the Caribbean Gorgonian Eunicea succinea. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of ASP, Santa Cruz, CA.
Enzyme Inhibitors: New and Known Polybrominated Phenols and Diphenyl Ethers from Four Indo-Pacific Dysidea Sponges.
Fu, X., F. J. Schmitz, M. Govindan, S. A. Abbas, K. M. Hanson, P. A. Horton, P. Crews, M. Laney, and R. C. Schatzman. (1995). Enzyme Inhibitors: New and Known Polybrominated Phenols and Diphenyl Ethers from Four Indo-Pacific Dysidea Sponges. Journal of Natural Products, 58:1384-1391.
Mechanism-Based Antitumor Screening of Marine Invertebrates: Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Novel Diterpenoids from the Caribbean Gorgonian Eunicea tourneforti.
Govindan, M., G. Govindan, D. G. I. Kingston. (1995). Mechanism-Based Antitumor Screening of Marine Invertebrates: Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Novel Diterpenoids from the Caribbean Gorgonian Eunicea tourneforti. Journal of Natural Products. 58:1174.
Mechanism-Based Antitumor Screening of Marine Organisms: Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Tournefortins A-E, Novel Diterpenoids from the Caribbean Gorgonian Eunicea tourneforti.
Govindan, M., G. Govindan, and D. G. I. Kingston. (1995). Mechanism-Based Antitumor Screening of Marine Organisms: Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Tournefortins A-E, Novel Diterpenoids from the Caribbean Gorgonian Eunicea tourneforti. Paper presented at the 209th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim.
New Cycloartanol Sulfates from the Alga Tydemania expeditionis: Inhibitors of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase pp60v-src.
Govindan, M., S. A. Abbas, F. J. Schmitz, R. H. Lee, J. S. Papkoff, and D. L. Slate. (1994). New Cycloartanol Sulfates from the Alga Tydemania expeditionis: Inhibitors of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase pp60v-src. Journal of Natural Products. 57:74.
Antitumor Activity of Marine Invertebrates from the U. S. Virgin Islands.
Govindan, M., G. Govindan, and D. G. I. Kingston. (1994). Antitumor Activity of Marine Invertebrates from the U. S. Virgin Islands. Paper presented at the International Congress on Natural Products Research, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Distribution of Cholesterol in Caribbean Marine Algae.
Govindan, M., J. S. Hodge, K. A. Brown, and M. Nunez-Smith. (1993). Distribution of Cholesterol in Caribbean Marine Algae. Steroids, 58:178.
Constituents of the Marine Green Alga Bryopsis plumosa.
Govindan, M., A. McClean and K. A. Brown. (1993). Constituents of the Marine Green Alga Bryopsis plumosa. Microchemical Journal, 47:193.
Food Preferences, Chemistry, and Predation of Amphipods from the Green Alga Bryopsis.
Williams, E. C., T. Turner, C. A. Walters, K. A. Brown, A. E. McClean, and M. Govindan. (1991). Food Preferences, Chemistry, and Predation of Amphipods from the Green Alga Bryopsis. NIGMS-Minority Programs Symposium, Washington, D.C. Abstract No. 65.
New Bioactive Cycloartanol Sulfates from the Marine Green Alga Tydemania expeditionis.
Govindan, M., A. A. Abbas, F. J. Schmitz, R. H. Lee, J. S. Papkoff, and D. L. Slate. (1993). New Bioactive Cycloartanol Sulfates from the Marine Green Alga Tydemania expeditionis. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, San Diego, CA.
Constituents of the Marine Green Alga Bryopsis plumosa.
McClean, A. E., M. Govindan, and K. A. Brown. (1992). Constituents of the Marine Green Alga Bryopsis plumosa. Paper presented at the Ninth Symposium on Advances in the Immunology and Biochemistry of Tropical Diseases, Meharry Medical University, Nashville.
Antimicrobial activity of Caribbean marine algae.
Fahie, L. V., A. F. Browne, H. W. Gjessing, K. A. Brown, M. Govindan, and T. Turner. (1991). Antimicrobial activity of Caribbean marine algae. Paper presented at the NIGMS-Minority Programs Symposium, Washington, D.C. Abstract No. 111.
Natural products from Caribbean red algae.
Brewley, A. L., A. F. Browne, M. Govindan, K. A. Brown, and T. Turner. (1991). Natural products from Caribbean red algae. Paper presented at the NIGMS - Minority Programs Symposium, Washington, D.C. Abstract No. 518.
Cholesterol Composition of Marine Algae of the Caribbean.
Govindan, M., J. S. Hodge, K. A. Brown, and M. Nunez-Smith. (1991). Cholesterol Composition of Marine Algae of the Caribbean. Paper presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Puerto Rico EPSCoR and the AAAS Caribbean Division, San Juan, P.R.
In situ Caribbean Fish Feeding Preferences - Not Entirely Chemical Deterrence.
Smith, B. A., T. Turner, K. A. Brown, and M. Govindan. (1991). In situ Caribbean Fish Feeding Preferences - Not Entirely Chemical Deterrence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Caribbean Marine Labs, Bahamas.
Synthesis of 5-Trifluoromethyl-5,8-dideazafolic Acid and 5-Trifluoromethyl-5,8-dideazaisofolic Acid.
Singh, S. K., M. Govindan, and J. B. Hynes. (1990). Synthesis of 5-Trifluoromethyl-5,8-dideazafolic Acid and 5-Trifluoromethyl-5,8-dideazaisofolic Acid. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 27:2101. Laboratory Safety Manual Govindan, M. and L. Uncles. (1989).
Laboratory Safety Manual. University of the Virgin Islands.
Synthetic Approaches to the Pyrrolizidines II.
Browne, C. A., R. E. Browne, and M. Govindan. (1988). Synthetic Approaches to the Pyrrolizidines II. Paper Presented at the 16th Annual NIH-MBRS Symposium, Los Angeles, CA. Abstract 154.
Synthetic Approaches to the Pyrrolizidines I.
Cornelius, L. and M. Govindan. (1987). Synthetic Approaches to the Pyrrolizidines I. Paper Presented at the NIH Centennial MBRS-MARC Symp., Washington, D.C. Abstract 219.
Chemical Education in India - What Can We Learn from It?
Govindan, M. (1984). Chemical Education in India - What Can We Learn from It? Paper Presented at the 36th Southeastern Regional ACS Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Abstract 204.
The Photoreaction of Thymidine with Alkylamines - A Mechanistic Revision.
Tolbert, L. M. and M. Govindan. (1983). The Photoreaction of Thymidine with Alkylamines - A Mechanistic Revision. Paper Presented at the 35th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the ACS, Charlotte, NC. Abstract 477.
Benzaldehyde Plus Potassium Hydride - Benzoyl Anion?
Govindan, M. and Pinnick, H. W. (1981). Benzaldehyde Plus Potassium Hydride - Benzoyl Anion? Journal of Organic Chemistry, 46:5011.
Reaction of Pyrrolidone with Phosphorus Pentachloride.
Layton, W. J., Smith, S. L., Pinnick, H. W. and Govindan, M. (1981). Reaction of Pyrrolidone with Phosphorus Pentachloride. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 46:4076.
Benzaldehyde plus Potassium Hydride - Benzoyl Anion?
Govindan, M. and H. W. Pinnick. (1981). Benzaldehyde plus Potassium Hydride - Benzoyl Anion? Paper Presented at the 183rd National ACS Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Abstract 40.
Addition of Nucleophiles to Imino Ethers.
Govindan, M. and H. W. Pinnick. (1981). Addition of Nucleophiles to Imino Ethers. Paper Presented at the 33rd Southeast Regional ACS Meeting, Lexington, KY. Abstract 196.
Reaction of Ethyl Cyclopropanecarboxylate with Base.
Pinnick, H. W., Chang, Y. -H., Foster, S. C., and Govindan, M. (1980). Reaction of Ethyl Cyclopropanecarboxylate with Base. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 45:4505.
Cation Effects on the Equilibrium Acidity of Carbon Acids in Methanol.
Guthrie, R. D. and Govindan, M. (1979). Cation Effects on the Equilibrium Acidity of Carbon Acids in Methanol. Journal of American Chemical Society. 101:5769.
Cation Effects on the Equilibrium Acidity of Carbon Acids in Methanol.
Guthrie, R. D. and M. Govindan. (1979). Cation Effects on the Equilibrium Acidity of Carbon Acids in Methanol. Paper Presented at the 178th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. Abstract 70.
Reaction of Ethylcyclopropanecarboxylate with Base
Govindan, M. and H. W. Pinnick. (1979). Reaction of Ethylcyclopropanecarboxylate with Base. Paper Presented at the 31st Southeastern Regional Meeting of the ACS, Roanoke, VA. Abstract 241.
Generation and Trapping of Benzoyl Anions.
Govindan, M. and H. W. Pinnick. (1979). Generation and Trapping of Benzoyl Anions. Paper Presented at the 31st SE Regional Meeting of the ACS, Roanoke, VA. Abstract 244.
Foods of Bats (Family Vespertilionidae) at Five Locations in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Thomas, Howard H., Moosman, Paul R., Jr., Veilleux, Jacques Pierrw, Holt, Jason. (2012). "Foods of Bats (Family Vespertilionidae) at Five Locations in New Hampshire and Massachusetts". Canadian Field-Naturalist, 126(2):117-124.
Eavesdropping on echolocation: recording the bat’s auditory experience
Austin, K. B., P. R. Moosman, Jr., & H. H. Thomas. (2011). "Eavesdropping on echolocation: recording the bat’s auditory experience". Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, EMBC, 2011. Procedings Ann. Internat. Confer. IEEE:7682-7686.
Ecology of Myotis leibii and trends in capture success associated with white-nose syndrome in New Hampshire
Moosman, P. R., Jr., Veilleux, J.P. & Thomas, H.H. (2011). "Ecology of Myotis leibii and trends in capture success associated with white-nose syndrome in New Hampshire." 41st Annual NASBR meetings, Toronto, ON.
Gaining a bat’s perspective on echolocation: recording ultrasound calls and their resulting echoes in-situ from flying bats
Moosman, P. R., Jr., Austin, K.B., Thomas, H.H., Crepeau, B.J., Farnsworth, R.K., Huff, B.A., Lustig, P.L., Tatro, M.F. & Veasna, K. (2010). "Gaining a bat’s perspective on echolocation: recording ultrasound calls and their resulting echoes in-situ from flying bats." 39th Annual NASBR meetings, Portland, OR.
Capturing the auditory experience of behaving bats: a preliminary study
Austin, K. A., Thomas, H.H., Moosman, P.R. Jr., Veasna, K., Crepeau, B., Farnsworth, R., Huff, B., Lustig, P. & and Tatro, M. (2009). "Capturing the auditory experience of behaving bats: a preliminary study." Abstract. Computing, Engineering, and Information, International Conference, 123-126
Potential food item distractions during raccoon ORV baiting campaigns on Cape Cod, Massachusetts: would you like fries with that?
Bjorklund, B. M., H. H. Thomas, P. A. Palmiotto, J. P. Algeo, D. Slate, R.B. Chipman, M. D. Chandler, & D. J. Wilda. (2008). "Potential food item distractions during raccoon ORV baiting campaigns on Cape Cod, Massachusetts: would you like fries with that?" Proceedings of the 23rd Vertebrate Pest Conference, 23:270-274.
Bats (Eptesicus fuscus and Myotis lucifugus) as potential predators of Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae): Importance of chemical defenses and luminescence
Moosman, P. R., Jr., H. H. Thomas, J. T. Paula, and A. Page. (2005). "Bats (Eptesicus fuscus and Myotis lucifugus) as potential predators of Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae): Importance of chemical defenses and luminescence." Abstract, 35th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research, Sacramento, CA
Ixodid ticks recovered from vegetation in north-central Massachusetts
Perla, R. J. & H. H. Thomas. (2001). "Ixodid ticks recovered from vegetation in north-central Massachusetts". Wildlife Society Bulletin, 29:387-389.
Identification of Nicaraguan Peromyscus using mitochondrial DNA sequences
St. Jean, K. R. & H. H. Thomas. (1998). "Identification of Nicaraguan Peromyscus using mitochondrial DNA sequences." Massachusetts State College Graduate Deans’ Symposium, 1:213-217.
Taxonomy of Nicaraguan forms of mice of the genus Peromyscus (Rodentia, Muridae) using discriminant function analysis
Kollath, L. R. & H. H. Thomas. (1998). "Taxonomy of Nicaraguan forms of mice of the genus Peromyscus (Rodentia, Muridae) using discriminant function analysis." Massachusetts State College Graduate Deans’ Symposium, 1:155-167.
Mustela frenata
Sheffield, S. & H. H. Thomas. (1997). "Mustela frenata". Mammalian Species. No. 570:1-9.
The bat genus Pteronotus in Nicaragua
Thomas, H. H. (1996). The bat genus Pteronotus in Nicaragua. Technical Report to MARENA, Republic of Nicaragua, 1 pp.
Insectivorous bats roosting in lava tubes within the Volcan de Masaya Parque Nacional, Nicaragua
Thomas, H. H. (1996). "Insectivorous bats roosting in lava tubes within the Volcan de Masaya Parque Nacional, Nicaragua." Technical Report to MARENA, Republic of Nicaragua, 3 pp.
Lepus insularis
Thomas, H. H. & T. L. Best. (1994). "Lepus insularis". Mammalian Species. 465:1-3.
Sylvilagus mansuetus
Thomas, H. H. & T. L. Best. (1994). "Sylvilagus mansuetus". Mammalian Species No. 464:1-3.
Taxonomic status of Northeastern North American wild Canis
Thomas, H. H. & P. C. Frost. (1993). "Taxonomic status of Northeastern North American wild Canis." Abstract 30, 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists.
Two new fur mites of the genus Geomylichus Fain, 1970 (Acari, Listrophoridae) from kangaroo rats Dipodomys spp.
Fain, A., J. O. Whitaker, Jr., & H. H. Thomas. (1991). "Two new fur mites of the genus Geomylichus Fain, 1970 (Acari, Listrophoridae) from kangaroo rats Dipodomys spp." U. S. A. International Journal of Acarology, 17:175-180.
Dipodomys insularis
Best, T. L. & H. H. Thomas. (1991). "Dipodomys insularis". Mammalian Species, No. 374:1-3.
Spermophilus madrensis
Best, T. L. & H. H. Thomas. (1991). Spermophilus madrensis. Mammalian Species, 378:1-2.
Recommendations for implementing a program of faculty development
Gardiner, E., P. Hogan, H. Thomas, & S. Wagner. 1990. "Recommendations for implementing a program of faculty development." Presented to the faculty and administration of Fitchburg State College. Report prepared for the Lilly Endowment Workshop on the Liberal Arts, Colorado Springs, CO, 20 pp.
Ectoparasites of Dipodomys elator from north-central Texas with some data from sympatric Chaetodipus hispidus and Perognathus flavus
Thomas, H. H., J. O. Whitaker, Jr., & T. L. Best. (1990). "Ectoparasites of Dipodomys elator from north-central Texas with some data from sympatric Chaetodipus hispidus and Perognathus flavus". Southwestern Naturalist, 35:11-114.
Two new species of Geomylichus Fain, 1970 (Acari, Listrophoridae) from California, U. S. A.
Fain, A., J. O. Whitaker, Jr., & H. H. Thomas. (1988). "Two new species of Geomylichus Fain, 1970 (Acari, Listrophoridae) from California, U. S. A." International Journal of Acarology, 14:121-125.
Recent zoogeography of Canadian Maritimes small mammals
Thomas, H. H. (1987). "Recent zoogeography of Canadian Maritimes small mammals". Abstract No. 173, 67th Annual Meeting, American Society of Mammalogists, Albuquerque.
Canis latrans on Prince Edward Island
Thomas, H. H. & R. L. Dibblee. (1986). "Canis latrans on Prince Edward Island". Canadian Field-Naturalist, 100: 565-567.
Distribution and ectoparasites of Little Brown Bats, Myotis lucifugus, on Prince Edward Island
Jones, G. S. & H. H. Thomas. (1983). "Distribution and ectoparasites of Little Brown Bats, Myotis lucifugus, on Prince Edward Island". Canadian Field-Naturalist, 97: 320-321.
Mites, ticks, and fleas of the mice Zapus hudsonius and Napaeozapus insignis from Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, northern Nova Scotia, and Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec
Jones, G. S. & H. H. Thomas. (1982). "Mites, ticks, and fleas of the mice Zapus hudsonius and Napaeozapus insignis from Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, northern Nova Scotia, and Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec". Canadian Entomologist, 114:1031-1035.
Foods of coyotes (Canis latrans) in Oklahoma Best
T. L., B. Hoditschek, & H. H. Thomas. (1981). "Foods of coyotes (Canis latrans) in Oklahoma". Southwestern Naturalist, 26:67-71.
Ticks from mammals from Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, northern Nova Scotia, and Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec
Jones, G. S. & H. H. Thomas. (1980). "Ticks from mammals from Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, northern Nova Scotia, and Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec". Canadian Journal of Zoology, 58:1394-1397.
Sorex palustris on Prince Edward Island
Thomas, H. H., G. S. Jones, & R. L. Dibblee. (1980). "Sorex palustris on Prince Edward Island". Canadian Field-Naturalist, 94:329-331.