Outstanding Charts for Jazz Ensemble: Data from a Recent Survey
Caniato, M. (2005). "Outstanding Charts for Jazz Ensemble: Data from a Recent Survey." 2005 IAJE Jazz Research Proceedings Yearbook. International Association of Jazz Educators. Long Beach, CA.
Beyond Constant Pulse in Jazz: Expansion of Bass Function in Gil Evans
Caniato, M. (2003). Beyond Constant Pulse in Jazz: Expansion of Bass Function in Gil Evans." 2003 IAJE Jazz Research Proceedings Yearbook. International Association of Jazz Educators, Toronto, Ontario.
From Popular Sound to Jazz Composition: Thelonious Monk's 'Ruby, My Dear
Caniato, M. (2001). "From Popular Sound to Jazz Composition: Thelonious Monk's 'Ruby, My Dear.'" Annual Review of Jazz Studies 10:89-102.
"Afirmacion, Contraposicion y Existencia." Anuario Filosofico 8 (1975): 53-68.
"The Alleged Protestant Work Ethnic." Harrod Lecture Series 12 (1991-1992): 25-54. Lecture presented on October 23, 1991
"Aproximacion A Wittgenstein." Anuario Filosofico 5 (1972): 11-55.
"Dios En La Filosofia De Whitehead." Anuario Filosofico 1 (1968): 23-35.
"El Conocimiento Divino En John Smith." Themata Revista De Filosofia 9 (1992): 87-95.
"El Estado Actual Del Postivismo Logico." Nuestro Tiempo 191 (May 1970): 57-71.
"El Intelectualismo Etico De Socrates." Anuario Filosofico 7 (1973): 11-28
"Eurocommunism and The Italian Marxist Tradition." Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (1982): 205-228.
"Labriola, Croce, Anti-Croce." Studies in Soviet Thought (1982): 147-160.
"La Jerarquia De Saberes En Whitehead." Auario Filosofico 2 (1969): 13-25.
Marriage and the Family: Their Values. Ed. Francis Soo and Thomas J. Blakely. Oneonta: East-West Books, 1987. Special Collection HQ728.S66 1987
Rev. of Definition. Studies in Soviet Thought 28 (1984):245.
Rev. of Dialectica de la Revolucion Cubana: del idealismo carismatico al pragmatismo institucionalista. Studies in Soviet Thought 28(1984): 243-245.
Rev. of "Eurocommunism y Estado" o la dessintegracion del PCE y la ruptura con elmovimiento comunista internacional. Studies in Soviet Thought 28 (1984): 241-242.
Rev. of La Crisis Economica y Social del Mundo. Studies in Soviet Thought 28 (1984): 242-243.
Rev. of Paracuellos del Jarama Carrillo Culpable? Studies in Soviet Thought 28 (1984): 240-241.
Rev. of Santiago Carrillo: Cronica de un Secretario General. Studies in Soviet Thought 28 (1984): 238-240.
"Whitehead y La Historia De La Filosofica." Anuario Fikosofico 4 (1971): 11-29.
Colbert, James, and Thomas Blakely. Curso de Iniciacion al Marxism: Cuarto Lecciones. Pamploma: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1977.
Bear One Another's Burdens. [Colfax NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1998.
Casey at the Bat, Op. 26: For Organ and Narrator. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2012. Musical score.
Charlie Dog Blues: For Two Organists at One Organ : Op. 17. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2004. Musical score.
Dinosauria: A Mesozoic Menagerie for Organ and Narrator, Op. 16. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2002. Musical Score.
Every Time I Feel the Spirit: Variations for Organ Op. 14. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2002. Musical Score.
"Five Pieces in Contemporary Notation." The Syracuse Collection: A collection of accessible contemporary organ music. Ed. Wayne Leupold, 1991. Musical Score.
I Was Glad. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1992. Musical Score.
Kiara Pig Jig: Op. 19, for Two Organists at One Organ. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2006. Musical score.
Kiya Pup Strut: For Solo Organ, Op.23. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2010. Musical score.
Max Cat Rag for Two Performers on One Organ. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1997. Musical Score.
Nibs and Nobs: Rag for Organ Op. 12. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2000. Musical Score.
Organ Concerto No. 1, for Organ and String Orchestra, Op. 25 [full score]. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2010. Musical Score.
Rossini, Gioacchino, and Robin Dinda. Overture to the Barber of Seville: For Two Organists at One Organ. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2010. Musical score.
Prayer of St. Francis. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1993. Musical Score.
Prayer of St. Francis. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1994. Musical Score.
Santa Got a Tummy Tuck, Op. 20: for a cappella SATB chorus. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2006. Musical Score.
Santa Got a Tummy Tuck, Op. 20a: for a cappella TTBB chorus. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2007. Musical Score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes: Volume 6. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2008. Musical score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes: Volume 7. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2008. Musical score.
Septimi Tempi: Op. 4 : for Brass Quintet and Organ. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1995. Musical score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes Volume 1 Advent Op. 5. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1995. Musical Score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes Volume 2 Christmas Part 1 Op. 7. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1996. Musical Score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes Volume 3 Christmas Part 2 Op. 8. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1997. Musical Score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes Volume 4 Christmas Part 3 Op. 11. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1998. Musical Score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes Volume 5 Epiphany Op. 13. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2000. Musical Score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes: Volume 6 Lent and Holy Week Op.18. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2008. Musical score.
Seasonal Hymn Preludes: Volume 7 Easter and Easter Season Op. 21. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2008. Musical score.
Suite Ayla Op. 15 for Solo Organ. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2002. Musical Score.
Take My Life and Let It Be. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1998. Musical Score.
To Him Who Loves Us. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 1990. Musical Score.
Dinda, Robin, Raymond M. Alden, Mayo Bunker, and Wayne Leupold. Why the Chimes Rang: For Organ and Narrator : Op. 22. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2008. Musical score.
"March," "A Mighty Fortress," "Emerald Green." First Organ Book. Ed. Wayne Leupold. [Colfax, NC]: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2009. Musical score.
"This Little Light of Mine." The Greensboro Collection: A Collection of Accessible Contemporary Organ Music. Ed. Wayne Leupold. Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold Editions, 2011. p. 40-46. Musical score.
The Harmonious Blacksmith (Variations on a Theme by Handel) for two organists at one organ. Composed for the 150th anniversary celebration of the 1864 E. & G.G. Hook organ in Mechanics Hall, Worcester. Performed with Renea Waligora October 26, 2014.
Two Moods for trumpet and piano, commissioned by the Rivers School in Weston, MA. Performed April 11, 2015.
Jane Fiske. Piano. Fitchburg, MA. Fitchburg State College, 2006. Audio disc. Spec. Coll. Av/CD M20.F5734P56 2006
A Profile of Women Music Educators in Higher Education. Diss. Boston University, 1997. Ann Arabot: UMI, 1997. 9802239. Special Collection Call number LB2332.3.F57 1997
"Columbian Theatre." Introduction. Columbian Theatre in the Vortex: Seven Plays. Ed. Judith A. Weiss. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2004. 20-34
Jaramillo, Maria Mercedes, Angela Ines Robledo, and Flor Maria Rodriquez-Arenas. Y Las Mujeres? Medellin, Colombia: Universidad de Antioquia, 1991. Special Collection PQ6055.J49 1991
Jaramillo, Maria Mercedes, and Mario Yepes. Antologia Critica del Teatro Breve Hispanoamericano. Medellin, Columbia: Universidad de Antioquia, 1997. Special Collection PQ7081.A1.A57 1997
Jaramillo, Maria Mercedes. Introduction. Las Desobedientes: Mujeres de Nuestra America. By Maria Mercedes Jaramillo and Betty Osorio. Bogota, Columbia: Panamericana, 1997. Special Collection CT3290.D48 1997 Spanish
Jaramillo, Maria Mercedes and Juanamaria Cordones-Cook. Mujeres en las tablas. Buenos Aires: Nueva Generacion, 2005. Special Collection PQ7084.5.M85 2005 Spanish
"Hotel de vagabundos: crisol racial de las Americas." Revista de estudios Colombianos, 44(2014):57-59.
"Action, Personhood, and Fact-Value." The Thomist XL.1 (Jan. 1976): 116-133.
Addendum- To Harrod Lecture volume 10 "Privacy and Personhood". Fitchburg: FSC Press, n.d.
"Affirmative Action and Justice." Harrod Lecture Series 16 (1997-1998): 45-79. Lecture presented on Oct. 29, 1997
"Breaking into print-Fitchburg." Massachusetts State College System 2.4 (June 1973): 8.
Introduction. Conditions of Freedom. By Jeffko. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1993.
Introduction. Conditions of Freedom. 1949. By John Macmurray. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1993. vii-xxvii.
Contemporary Ethical Issues: A Personalistic Perspective. Amherst: Humanities Books, 1999. Special Collection BJ1031.J44 1999
"Ecology and Dualism." Religion in Life (Spring 1973): 117-127.
"Ethics and Environmental Crisis." Harrod Lecture Series 18 (2001-2003): 3-46. Lecture presented on Oct. 30, 2001
"Ethics, science, and the Treatment of Animals." Harrod Lecture Series XIV (1993-94): 47-76. Lecture presented on Jan. 26, 1996
"Euthanasia and Respect for Persons." Harrod Lecture Series 6(1984-1985): 3-40. Lecture presented on Oct. 24, 1984
"The Four Freedoms." AmeriCulture Festival. Fitchburg State College. Sept.-Oct. 2001. Notes from the speech presented for the 4th Annual AmeriCulture Festival, 2001
"The Morality of Amnesty." The American Benedictine Review: 100-104.
"An Oncology and Ethics of Abortion." Harrod Lecture Series 3 (1980). Lecture presented on March 19, 1980
"Privacy and Personhood." Harrod Lecture Series 10 (1988-1989): 128-154. Lecture presented on March 22, 1989
"Self-Consciousness and The Soul-Body Problem." The American Benedictine Review 31.3 (Sept. 1980): 346-360.
"Suicide and Human Rights." Harrod Lecture Series 2 (1979). Lecture presented on Oct. 24, 1979
"Thought, Action, and Personhood." The Modern Schoolman. 52.3 (Mar. 1975): 271-283.
See also material published under the name Maria Mercedes Jaramillo
"El Valor Estructual De La Leyenda De La Mapiripana." Voragine 1.5 (Sept. 1989): 2-27. See also material published under the name Maria Mercedes Jaramillo
"La Creacion Colectiva y la Colonizacion Cultural en America Latina." Gestos 7 (Apr. 1989): 75-91. See also material published under the name Maria Mercedes Jaramillo
"La Dramatization de los Temores En 'ASI QUE PASEN CINCO ANOS.'" La Cabala 10 (1987): 24-26. See also material published under the name Maria Mercedes Jaramillo
"La Fucion popular y Social De Lab Versiones De Uma Obra De Enrique Buenaventura." Sociedad De Inestigaciones Socio-Literaries De Hispanoamerica Antolgia Annual (1990). See also material published under the name Maria Mercedes Jaramillo
"La Proyeccion Teatral de la Masacre De las Bananeras." Latin American Theatre Review (Fall 1989): 89-102. See also material published under the name Maria Mercedes Jaramillo
"Pluravalencia Semantica De La Cueva De Montesinos." Anales Cervantinos 28 (1989): 234-241.See also material published under the name Maria Mercedes Jaramillo
Wadsworth, Susan M. Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms, WWI Masterpieces from 1942. Ts. Fitchburg. Conference Proceedings at 4th Annual AmeriCulture Festival, Symposium on President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Four Freedoms Speech.