Prof. Thomas Battinelli taught in the Exercise and Sport Science Department from 1960-2004.
Physique, Fitness, and Performance
Battinelli, T. (2007). Physique, Fitness, and Performance. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Frame Size: A Type and Subtype Approach
Battinelli, T. (1989, Spring) "Frame Size: A Type and Subtype Approach." The Journal of Obesity and Weight Regulation 8(1): 67-76.
Physical Education at Fitchburg State College
Battinelli, J. (1988, April) "Physical Education at Fitchburg State College." Annali dell' Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisca L'Acquila 7: 121-130.
Fatigue, Muscular Work and Motor Learning
Battinelli, T. (1987, Fall) "Fatigue, Muscular Work and Motor Learning." The Physical Educator. 44: 372-376.
Traditional, functional, and individually focused models of athletic administration
Battinelli, T. (1987, Fall) "Traditional, functional, and individually focused models of athletic administration." International Journal of Physical Education 24: 27-28. (Journal shelved on the 2nd floor)
Structual Dysplasia Types and Subtypes and the Prediction of Total Body Strength
Battinelli, T. (1987, June) "Structual Dysplasia Types and Subtypes and the Prediction of Total Body Strength." Istiuto Superiore di Educazione Fisica L'Aquila, Annali 6:1-5.
From Motor Ability to Motor Learning: The Generality-Specificity Connection
Battinelli, T. (1984, Oct.) "From Motor Ability to Motor Learning: The Generality-Specificity Connection." The Physical Educator 41:108-113.
High Carbohydrate-Fiber Nutrition for Running and Health.
Battinelli, T. (1983, Oct.) "High Carbohydrate-Fiber Nutrition for Running and Health." Physical Educator. 40(3):121-123.
Capacita motorie generali e speifiche.
Battinelli, T. (1983, Oct.) "Capacita motorie generali e speifiche." Scuola Dello-Revista di Cultura Sportiva 3(3):16-17
Body Build and Physical Activity: An Undergraduate Course
Battinelli, T. (1981, Spring) "Body Build and Physical Activity: An Undergraduate Course." International Journal of Physical Education. 18(1):28-29.
Massed and/or Distributed Practice: A Review
Battinelli, T. (1980, May-June) "Massed and/or Distributed Practice: A Review." Journal of Physical Education. 77(5):123.
The Body Build Indices of College Athletes
Battinelli, T. (1980, Spring) "The Body Build Indices of College Athletes." Athletic Administration. 14(3):20-21.
The Dysplasia Build of College Athletes
Battinelli, T. (1977) "The Dysplasia Build of College Athletes." Athletic Administration 14(4).
Constitutional Disharmony and Selected Components of Motor Ability
Battinelli, T. (1976, Sept.) "Constitutional Disharmony and Selected Components of Motor Ability." Human Biology. 48(3):465-474.
"Developing an Endurance Exercise Program for the Diabetic Patient." Diabetes Educator (Fall 1982): 11-16.
The Exercising Adult . "The Adult Diabetic and Exercise." Lexington:Collamore Press, 1982: 75-94.
"Aging and Running related to peripheral Blood Flow." Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 13 (1981)
"Exercise Requires Changes In Management Program." Diabetes in the News (Spring 1980): 8C.
"Applied Physiology of Exercise: A Biological Awareness Concept." Journal of Physical Education and Recreation (Oct. 1973): 30-31.
"Body Composition and Somatotype of male and female Nordic Skiers." Research Quarterly 48.4 :741-749.
"Height-Weight Indices and Blood Lipids in Normal Control and Offspring of Conjugal Diabetics."
Energy cost of concurrent training
"Energy cost of concurrent training." Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise 28.2 (May 1996): S44(263).
Aging and Exercise Performance
"Aging and Exercise Performance." Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 2.2 (May 1986): 433-452.
Changes in Physiological Determinants of Elite Irish distance runners over a 6-month Training cycle
"Changes in Physiological Determinants of Elite Irish distance runners over a 6-month Training cycle." Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 18.2 (1986): S90(444).
Cardiopulmonary response to submaximal exercise in persons with insulin-dependent diabetes(IIDM)
"Cardiopulmonary response to submaximal exercise in persons with insulin-dependent diabetes(IIDM)." Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 17 (1985): 182.
Exercise and Diabetes.
Cunningham, L. & Vignati, L. (1985). Exercise and Diabetes. Joslin's Diabetes Mellitus. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia: 453-464.