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Faculty Publications

The intent of this Faculty Publications guide is to highlight the work of our Faculty. We will attempt to include links to published material to which we have access or to provide citations. Click on the author's name to get to full-text article.

Alberghene, Janice M.

"Childhood's End?" Children's Literature: Annual of the Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature and the Children's Liter 15 (1987): 7-18.  An essay of book reviews

"Humor in Children's Literature." Journal of Children in Contemporary Society 20.1/2 (1988): 223-245

"Moralists, but with No Pretense."  Children's Literature: Annual of the Modern Language Association Division of Children's Literature and the Children's Liter 16 (1988): 199-203.

"Writing in Charlotte's Web."  Children's Literature in Education 16.1

Bellinger-Delfeld, DeMisty

"Creating Personal Profiles: Five Prompts for Developing Persona." Chapter in Practical Composition: Exercises for the English Classroom from Working Instructors. Ed. Russell Brickey, Laura L. Beadling and Evelyn Marten. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. 92-3. Print.

"Revision in Practice: Review and Rewriting Intros in Class." Chapter in Practical Composition: Exercises for the English Classroom from Working Instructors. Ed. Russell Brickey, Laura L. Beadling and Evelyn Marten. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. 171-2. Print.

"I Guide Stevie Wonder by the Hand" and "Play Date: Tina Turner / Janis Joplin." Poems in Modern Poetry Quarterly Review. 13 July 2014.

"Acquiring Joshua." Short story in Specter Magazine. December 2014.

Budz, Judy

"Tutorial Versus Classroom in Freshman English."  College English 37.7 (Mar. 1976): 654-656

Gray, Patrice

Hoberman, Michael

Landry, Margarite

"Touch."  Pisgah Review 3.2 (Summer 2008): 56-68.

Mabee, Frank

Martyniuk, Irene

Murray, Thomas, Dr.

Railton, Ben

"Contesting the Past, reconstructing the nation: American literature and culture in the Gilded Age, 1876-1893." Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2007. Spec Coll PS214.R35 2007 [autographed]

Williams, Ian

You Know Who You Are. Hamiliton: Wolsak & Wynn, 2010. PR9199.4.W55Y58 2010.

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