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Using Zotero

Zotero is a free citation management tool.You can use Zotero to collect, manage and cite your research resources. You can also create collections/libraries for specific research projects, share data with collaborators, and generate bibliographies.

Adding citations manually

1. Log into Zotero. Click on the group you want your citation to be added into.

2. Click the green “New Item” button () in the toolbar of your Zotero library.

3. A drop down menu should appear. Select what type of bibliographic citation you want to enter in your Zotero library, i.e. Book, Book Section, Journal Article etc (the top level of the menu shows recently created item types; the complete list of item types, minus Web Page, can be found under “More”).

4. An empty item record should now appear in the center column. You can now begin manually entering the item's bibliographic information via the right column.

5. Zotero will automatically save your information to the citation group you are in, but citations can be moved or copied to other groups afterwards.

NOTE: When you want to create an item for a web page, it is usually easiest to visit the page in your browser and then save it to Zotero (see Saving Webpages). Because of this, Zotero developers removed the Web Page item type from the “New Item” menu. However, you can still create an empty Web Page item by creating an empty item of another type and switching the item type to Web Page via the right-hand column of the Zotero pane.