The library subscribes to several streaming music databases from Alexander Street Press.
1). Search a streaming audio database directly. Access the library's A-Z Databases list at and change the All Databases Type filter to Streaming Audio, then select a database to search.
Jazz Music Library provides three easy search options:
1). Browsing by categories lets you drill down through a series of options to get to a narrowed results list. This example shows the Browse function if you were to click on Instruments, then click on Electronic, then click on Keyboard to see a results list containing 198 items.
2). Using keywords in the search box. Type in one or more keywords and hit the search icon. In this example we searched for: big band. You can then use the limit options in the left-hand column under Refine Your Search or the filter options at the top of the results list to help narrow your results. In the upper right corner are options to sort your results.
3). Click on a featured album cover or performer. You can then use the limit options in the left-hand column under Refine Your Search to help narrow your results. In the upper right corner are options to sort your results. In this example we clicked on Billie Holiday.
Music & Performing Arts provides two easy search options:
1). Search box - enter keywords
2). Browse by categories. Use the tabs to select a broad category such as Theatre and then click one of it's subcategory links.
Using keywords in the search box. Type in one or more keywords and hit the search icon. In this example we searched for: herbie hancock. You can then use the limit options in the left-hand column under Refine Your Search or the filter options at the top of the results list to help narrow your results. In the upper right corner are options to sort your results.
Music Online: Contemporary World Music provides three easy search options:
1). Browse by categories such as Titles or Instruments, by Genre or by Places.
2). Search box - enter keywords
3). Click on a featured album cover
Using keywords in the search box. Type in one or more keywords and hit the search icon. In this example we searched for: protest songs. You can then use the limit options in the left-hand column under Refine Your Search or the filter options at the top of the results list to help narrow your results. In the upper right corner are options to sort your results.
3). Enter the name of the album or track film and enter the Permanent URL provided by the database. Click on Submit.
4). The link to the album or track is now active. Users can click on the link to go directly to the database to listen to the music.
Note: While the Alexander Street Press music databases provide the option to copy an embed code, it does not function well in Blackboard. Linking to the content is more efficient.