From the results page, refine your search results using the limits in the left-hand column. In the example below, clicked on Peer Reviewed Materials and Last 12 Months limits to apply them. Also added an additional search term in the search box, using AND to tell the database to keep the items relating to both terms.
Many of the library's article databases provide a permanent/stable link to enable easy linking directly to the article. The library has several database vendors from whom we subscribe to multiple databases across many different disciplines. Many of our database come from these three vendors: EBSCOhost, Proquest and JSTOR..
Step 1 is finding the permanent/stable link.
The library has a wide range of databases across many different disciplines through the EBSCOhost platform. They all have a very similar look and feel to each other even though they contain different content.
1). From the database results page, click on the article's full text link to open the article. EBSCOhost calls the permanent link Permalink. It is available from the right-hand tool menu.
2). Click on the permanent link icon on the tool bar (it looks like an infinity symbol and is usually near the bottom of the toolbar).
3). The Permalink box will appear above the article. Copy the Permalink URL. The Permalink includes the Library proxy prefix so it can be accessed by individuals off-campus with their Falcon Key credentials.
The library has a wide range of databases across many different disciplines through the Proquest platform. They all have a very similar look and feel to each other even though they contain different content.
1). From the database results page, click on the article's full text link to open the article. The Proquest calls the permanent link Document URL. It is available by clicking on the Abstract/Details tab and scrolling down the table towards the bottom of the content.
2). In the row for Document URL, copy the URL displayed there. The Document URL includes the Library proxy prefix so it can be accessed by individuals off-campus with their Falcon Key credentials.
From the results list in JSTOR, click on the article title to access it's landing page. The stable URL for the article is located in the middle of the left-hand column. Copy this URL and remember to add the Proxy prefix of to the front of it.
1). Go into your Blackboard course, select or create the Content Area where you want to embed the article. Click on the Build Content drop-down then click on Web Link under the Create column.
2). Add in the required information. Copy/type in the article title into the Name Box and paste in the perma link/stable link from the database into the URL box.
Note: Make sure the URL includes the library's Proxy prefix. Some databases include the Proxy prefix in the link they provide. For other databases, you need to add the Proxy prefix to the front of the URL the database provides.
3). Scroll down to enter additional optional information, if any, you want to add. Optional fields you can include are:
4). After adding the required and any optional fields, click the Submit button to save the Web Link.
5). You should now see the article Web Link item displayed. Click on the link to make sure it connects correctly. Tips:
In this example, the student will see the article title. When they click on the item, off campus students will be prompted to login with their Falcon Key then go directly to the article. On campus students will connect directly to the article.