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APA Style, 7th Edition

Webpages and Websites

If the website or webpage information does not exist in any other category (e.g. book, journal article, etc.) use the website format:

Author or Group, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of page. Website Name. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from 


  • If you're citing multiple pages from a website, list a reference for each page
  • If changes to the website are expected (e.g. government websites), include a retrieval date at the end of your reference. If the wesbite is stable, omit the Retrieval entry in your reference.

News website with author:

Christensen, J. (2020, February 7). Flu is widespread across the US. CNN.

Government Website with corporate author or association:

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020, February 7). Employment situation summary. Retrieved February 7,

2020, from


Website with unknown date:

Pennsylvania State University(n.d.). Penn State Myths.


Page within a Website (group author):

Union of Concerned Scientists. (n.d.). Climate Science. Retrived February 1, 2020, from