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Research Alerts and Tools

Citation Alerts

Citation Alerts automatically notify you when a publication (e.g. journal article) you have selected is cited in a new publication. There are two types of Citation Alerts:

  • Document Citation Alert: notification is sent when a new document cites a specific article you have chosen.
  • Author Citation Alert: notification is sent when any item published by an specific author is cited in another document.

Setting Up Citation Alerts

Citation Alerts are available primarily through Google Scholar.

Google Scholar Alerts Tutorial

Document Citation Alert:

1. Search for the document citation on Google Scholar.

2. Below the Citation, click the "Cited by #" link to view all the documents that have cited that particular document.

3. Select "Create Alert" below the search filters on the bottom left side of the search results page.

4. Edit alert preferences and Enter your email address.

Author Citation Alert

1. Search for the Google Scholar profile of the author you would like to follow. If they do not have a scholar profile, do a search by author name and click the Create Alert button (this works the same as a Search Alert).

2. On the top right side, select "Follow" and select the alert options you want.

  • "New citations by this author" - receive alerts when new publications are added by this author.
  • "New citation to this author" - receive alerts when new publications cite this author's publications.
  • "New articles related to this author's research"

3. Enter your email address.