Before diving in, take a moment to think about your assignment and your topic to identify your information needs.Check your assignment and rubric
Assess what you know about the topicUnless you are an expert on the topic, you often need to learn more about it before you can create a research question, develop key words to use as search terms, or begin searching for sources to use in your paper/project. Start your search by looking for background information. Identify the type of information sources you need or might want to useThere are so many different types of sources (books, scholarly articles, news articles, documentaries, primary, secondary...) available to you that it can be overwhelming. Identifying your information needs will help determine the type of sources that will provide the best type of information to help you complete your assignment, paper or project. Knowing the type of source you need will then guide you to where you want to look for that information: library databases, the Internet, an archive or special collection, et cetera. Develop a search strategyTake a few minutes to plan your search strategy. It may save you a lot of frustration! |
Before you can start any research on your topic, you must have a background knowledge about your topic. Books, reference sources, and websites can provide you with that knowledge.
This is important because:
Remember, background information is always a starting point for research, not an ending point.
Wikipedia Yes, it is OK to use Wikipedia for background information, but never cite to it. And only use it as a starting point.
Before you can begin searching for information, you need to identify keywords related to your topic. Key terminology can be easily be found by scanning:
If you are still struggling: