Keyword: searches anywhere and everywhere for the search term. You get lots of results but fewer will be relevant to your research.
Subject: searches only in the subject headings for the term. You will get results where your search term has been described as one of the main subjects of an item, meaning fewer results but much more relevant sources of information.
Before you can start any research on your topic, you must have a background knowledge about your topic. Books, reference sources, and websites can provide you with that knowledge.
This is important because:
Remember, background information is always a starting point for research, not an ending point. The sources listed here should not be cited in your final work, and if you learn useful informatinon from them, it will need to be verified from other sources.
Before you can begin searching for information, you need to identify keywords related to your topic. Key terminology can be easily be found by scanning:
If you are still struggling: