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EDUC 9300: Educational Research (Hirsch)

Create your Personal Account

To set up a Personal Account:

  1. Once you are connected to an EBSCOhost database, click on the "Sign In" link
    EBSCOhost sign in link for customization
  2. From the Sign In screen, scroll down and click the "Don't have an account? Create one nowlink.
  3. You have two options - Sign up with your Google account OR fill out the registration form and select a username and password:
    • Option One using Google - Click on the "Sign up with Google" button where you can select your personal or FSU Google account
    • Option Two using registering your personal information - scroll down and fill in all the fields, check the consent box and then click the Continue button. If all the information was accepted, click OK and you will be automatically logged in as a personal user. You should note the user name and password you created so you can log in at a future session.

See full instructions with screenshots by connecting to any EBSCOhost database, clicking on the Help link in the upper-right corner of your screen and scrolling down to the Personalization section.

Note: When you set up a personal account, the vendor asks for your name, e-mail address, a unique login name, password, and password validation. EBSCO uses this information only to identify you at log in so your searches are not viewed or used by anyone else. They do not share this information. Click on their privacy policy for more information. Your username and password can be whatever you want; it is not tied to your Fitchburg State username and password.

Using the Folders

Each time you use an EBSCOhost database, such as ERIC, always click on the Sign In link and enter your Personal Account login information. You can now save items, searches and more into the folders and retrieve them at a later date. The basic steps for using the folders are listed below; full directions with screenshots are available by clicking on the Help link in the database and scrolling down to the Using the Folders section.

  • To collect several articles, click the Add to folder link at the bottom of each citation. To add all items on a page to your folder, click the Alert/Save/Share link and click Results (1-10) at the top of the menu. Result numbers to be added will change as you page through the list of results.
  • As you add the articles to the folder, you can click the icon (or the Go to link) and review which items have been added. The feature provides the ability to view thumbnails of the images in an article right from the Folder screen.Folder Folder ViewImage Quick View
  • You can print, e-mail, save, or export many results all at the same time using the Tools in the right column. If you have signed in via My EBSCOhost, any search results that you collect in your folder will be automatically saved at the end of the session.

Saving/Moving Articles to a Specific Folder & Removing Articles

  • If you have custom folders created within your My EBSCOhost folder, you can specify which folder you would like your articles saved in, when you click the Add to Folder link.
  • The article is added to the folder you specify.
  • When you click the Add/Remove link, the name of the folder which contains the article displays a folder icon.
  • To move the article to a different folder, click the name of the folder you would like to move the article to. To remove the article from the folder entirely, click the name of the folder that contains the article.

Customize Your Search Preferences

Once you have created your "My EBSCOhost" account, you can customize your search preferences. In the top menu bar click on Preferences. This will open a form where you can input your email address, set it to always send you APA citations for items you select, change the display options and more. Save your preferences and EBSCOhost will remember them every time you are in one of the EBSCOhost databases as long as you "Sign In".