Stereotype is a generalized perception ascribing particular traits, characteristics, values, aspect, appearance or behavior to a group or a member of a group without regard to accuracy or applicability (Corsini, 2016)
Racial stereotypes are reflexive and exaggerated mental pictures that we hold about all members of a particular racial group. These stereotypes are so rigid, we tend to ignore or discard any information that is not consistent with the stereotype that we have developed about the racial group (University of Notre Dame, 2020)
Tokenism is the practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do a particular thing, especially by recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of sexual or racial equality within a workforce (, 2020)
Tokenism is the word used to describe when a person who is a member of an oppressed group is used as the token of diversity iat an institution or organization. This person is often made visible in advertising /outreach materials from the organization. The problem with tokenism is that no further action is taken to improve the diversity and inclusion policies of the organization (Duma, 2018).
Further Reading: