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ITEC 3730: Automated Manufacturing II (BASU)

Slide Design

  • Keep it simple - select a balanced color scheme, use contrasting colors for your text and background so the text is legible, and keep it consistent across all your slides
  • Balance your text and graphics.
  • Select graphics (tables, charts, images, etc.) for their effectiveness at conveying a key point/highlight. Keep graphs and tables simple and well labeled.
  • Text Fonts:
    • Use a simple font, such as Arial, that are easy to read on a screen and from a distance.
    • Consider font size - the larger the space you are presenting in is, the larger you want your font size so those in the back can still read it. A good rule of thumb is to use a minimum font size of 20pt.
  • Number of slides: While this can vary, a good rule of thumb is to plan for one slide per minute of talking time so if you have 10 minutes try to keep your presentation to 10-12 slides total.

Presentation Organization

Cover Page, 1st slide. Should include:

  • Your presentation title
  • Presenters' names
  • Your organization
  • the date and event you are presenting at

Introductory slide(s):

  • Introduce the problem 
  • highlight why it is important


  • Provide highlights and key ideas of your design description and solution approach.
  • What did you do?
  • How did you do it?

Concluding slide(s):

  • Highlight the evidence that shows/verifies you solved the problem and/or your solution works

Reference page:

  • Put the word References at the top of the slide, centered
  • Include your list of reference citations formatted just as you would in a paper.

Last slide:

  • Include your contact information

Slide Content

Project Information:
  • Keep the information on each slide clear and concise.
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms as much as possible. If you do use any, always write out the full name/phrase first followed by the acronym you will use in parentheses.
  • Use short bulleted list format intermixed with relevant graphics/media.

In-text Citations:

Every time you quote, paraphrase or use an image from a source in your presentation, you need to include an in-text citation on your slide just as you would with any paper.