Simply adding a link into your text like this is NOT considered citing a source.
To cite this webpage properly, use an in-text citation like the one in this sentence (, 2012).
And then cite it completely in your bibliography:
How do I cite sources? (2012). Retrieved from at
Citation is when the writer of a paper or study notes where they found the information they have used to inform their work. Not only does citation give intellectual credit where credit is due, it provides a complete trail to follow to find that information. This can help other researchers (and you!) find more articles and studies on the same topic.
There are actually many types of citation styles - medical, legal, scientific, humanities - but the links on this page provide resources on the most commonly used citation styles at Fitchburg State.
Remember: If someone can't actually follow a citation back to the information you used, it's like you didn't bother to cite it at all.
CSE (Council of Science Editors) Style is primarily used for the sciences - biology, chemistry, physics, computer science - but can also be used in other subjects.
When using the library's research databases, many (such as Academic Search Complete) provide the option to place the document's citation information into the the style format of your choice when you go to print, save or email it. Remember to select the APA format (or which ever style your professor requires) and you can save yourself some time. For online resources that don't have this option and when citing from print resources, print and online APA Style manuals are available.
Not sure how to cite a resource? Ask a librarian!
MLA (Modern Language Association) Style is primarily used for the humanities - English, philosophy, music, religion - but can also be used in other subjects.