There a large number of databases available, each
one different from another in a variety of ways. They may have very
different search features and options. Some databases are subject
specific while others cover a more general, broad-based range of subject
areas. They may provide full online access to some or all of the
items (article, book, video, etc.), or they may provide only an abstract
or partial clip, or just list the item's citation information.
In the field of Special Education Academic
Search Premier, ERIC and Education Journals are great databases to
start with for just about any topic. From there, depending on your topic, you may want to look at other subject specific databases. For instance Lexis-Nexis Academic provides information on state and federal regulations as well as legal cases relating to education while psycholgy databases can provide additional articles relating to behavior or cognitive development.
AND | NARROWS RESULTS | results must include both words | e.g. athletes AND injuries |
OR | BROADENS RESULTS | results can include either word | e.g. athletes OR players |
NOT | NARROWS RESULTS | results must not include the second word | e.g. athletes NOT professional |
Sometimes you may come across a citation or even a partial citation of an article that you need or want to find. Some of the common reasons why this might happen are:
To help you quickly discover if you can get the article from one of our online journals or the library's print collection we provide a Journal locator tool on the library's homepage - mouse over Research and click on the Journals link in the green dropdown, then click on Journal Locator (or use the Journal Locator tool embedded below). All you need is the name of the journal, which you can type in the box below (if you don't know the exact journal title, you can click on the down arrow and search by "Title Contains All Words" instead of the default "Title Begins With") and then hit the Search button. It will bring you to a results screen where you will see one or more of the following:
Note: If you are in one of our library databases, you will see a "Get Article" or "Find Article" link for each article in your results list that is not full text. Click on that link and it will launch the Journal search tool using the article's citation information for you without your having to use the Journal search box.
Paraphrasing is different from quoting, but it's not always as easy to do. Here are some resources to help you learn how to paraphrase better.
(From Merriam Webster Online.)
Explore the links below to learn more about Plagiarism and how to avoid it.