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Brown-Jeffy, S., & Cooper, J. E. (2011). Toward a conceptual framework of culturally relevant pedagogy: An overview of the conceptual and theoretical literature. Teacher Education Quarterly (Claremont, Calif.), 38(1), 65-84.
Cole, C. E. (2017). Culturally sustaining pedagogy in higher education: Teaching so that black lives matter. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion an International Journal, 36(8), 736-750.
Harper, S.R. & Davis III, C.H.F. (2016). Eight Actions to Reduce Racism in College Classrooms. AAUP.
Tanner K. D. (2013). Structure matters: twenty-one teaching strategies to promote student engagement and cultivate classroom equity. CBE life sciences education, 12(3), 322–331.
Office Chat: Culturally Responsive Teaching (9:24)
Dr. Kavatas Newell, a faculty member at the University of Mary Washington, introduces some initial ways that teachers can incorporate culturally responsive teaching methods into their classrooms.