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Genealogy Research: Home

Find out more about your families history using these resources.


Most people don't think of using local college libraries for genealogy research.  College and university libraries are actually great places to look for family history.  At Fitchburg State University, we provide access to historical newspapers, city directories and yearbooks.  We also proivde access to genealogy research tools like HeritageQuest and  These tools provide you with census data, birth and death data, and more official documents. 

This guide is designed to give you easy access to all the resources.  Please feel free to use this when you are doing your genealogy research at Fitchburg State University.

Other Places

Visiting the FSU Library

The  following resources are available when you come to the FSU library:

Computers are available weekday evenings for up to 1 hour between 4-9pm.  During weekends, Summer Semester and Holidays, computers are available up to 2 hours any time during the day

Feel free to bring your laptop or tablet if you have one.  For laptop and tablet users, Wi-fi Internet access is available free of charge while in the library.

Printing/copying is available with the purchase of a guest card (ask librarian for details).

Purchase a library card to check out books at the circulation desk

  • Fitchburg residents: $10 for 6 months, $20 for 1 year
  • Everyone else: $15 for 6 months, $30 for 1 year

The library staff is happy to help you, just ask!

News Sources

Local Papers are available on the Internet, print or microfilm:

Historical Fitchburg Papers are all located in microfilm.  Ask a librarian to help you locate these in the library.

  • Fitchburg (daily/weekly) sentinel
    • from 1843-1857 to 1973
  • Fitchburg daily news
    • from 1904-1905, July 1907 to Oct-Dec1913
  • Fitchburg daily sentinel
    • from 1873 to 06/01/1942
  • Fitchburg evening mail
    • from 07/01/1895 to Dec.1895
  • Fitchburg reveille
    • from 03/31/1852 to 03/25/1875
  • Fitchburg sentinel
    • from 01/01/1858 to Dec.1873
    • from 1922 to 1973
  • Fitchburg weekly sentinel
    • from 1872 to 1881
  • Fitchburg-Leominster sentinel and enterprise
    • from v. 137-148, 1976 to 1988

Massachusetts History Tools

Learn More About Your Ancestors

Are you looking for a FSC alumni?  Use the Fitchburg Alumni Directory to find more about them.  You can find it in the Reference collection of the library on the first floor.  The call number is: Ref. LD3231.M87F57 2005

Fitchburg Books

Asher Jackson, Head of Technical Services & Archives

FSU Archive

You can visit our college University Archves & Special Collections by appointment. 

To schedule a time to visit the archive, contact Asher Jackson (information located above).